Saturday, May 29, 2010

I love food

Some offices are great, trusting organisations that care for the welfare and nourishment of their employees. My office provides toast, cereal, milk, cutlery. Even so, some of our richer employees bring their own food in, gourmet cereals. The kind that are lightly toasted muesli made in Switzerland.
Labelling is important. People like to know what they are getting into. And who they are. Usually a name will do.
The label for the food was a yellow post-it, 'I love food'. We don't really have anyone named that, so I was happily eating the lightly toasted, muesli. It was pretty damn good. A few other people started eating it too.
I asked them if they love food. They were so enthusiastic in their agreement. When I said I'm meh to food, they were astounded, flabbergasted. I love so many things more than food, like music, soccer, good conversations with friends, staring at the wall. Maybe that's weird because it seems like food is the best thing in the world to most people.
There is nothing cooler than professing your love for food, and talking about great new places to eat. I guess maybe we should all be a bit preoccupied with food, because there is an epidemic of obesity, people are getting taller, people are trying to eat better.
There are even slow cookers out there, which you can just set to cook before you leave for work and then come back and eat it! Outstanding. I nearly burnt down my office making waffles... slow cooking does sound like fun.